C# Project 2

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Test out your knowledge on basic C# programming with a challenging project making a hangman game. Covers lessons 7-12 from the beginner series.

Congratulations on making it to the second and final project in the series. This one will test all of your accumulated knowledge with a focus on what you have learned in lessons 7-12. Please review the lessons if you need to. Good Luck!
Previous lesson.
We also have the source code on GitHub.

*   Make a Program that plays a game of Hangman.
*   The word being guessed by the player can be hardcoded in the program. (Meaning the word is the same every time)
*   Example Playthrough:
    *         _____
    *        |     
    *        |
    *        |
    *        |___________
    *        _ _ _ _ _ _ _
    *       Guess a letter: A
    *       **************************
    *        _____
    *        |     
    *        |
    *        |
    *        |___________
    *        _ a _ _ _ _ _
    *       Guess a letter: t
    *       **************************
    *        _____
    *        |     
    *        |
    *        |
    *        |___________
    *        _ a t t _ _ _
    *       Guess a letter: t
    *       **************************
    *        _____
    *        |   O 
    *        |
    *        |
    *        |___________
    *        _ a t t _ _ _
    *       Guess a letter: x
    *       **************************
    *        _____
    *        |   O 
    *        |   |
    *        |
    *        |___________
    *        _ a t t _ _ _
    *       Guess a letter: y
    *       **************************
    *        _____
    *        |  \O 
    *        |   |
    *        |
    *        |___________
    *        _ a t t _ _ _
    *       Guess a letter: z
*  I think you get where this is going.
*  At the end of the game, ask the user if they want to play again
    *        **************************
    *        _____
    *        |  \O 
    *        |   |
    *        |
    *        |___________
    *        m a t t h e w
    *       YOU WIN!
    *       Enter y to paly again:
*  The player loses the game if the stick figure is completly filled out. (They had 6 incorrect guesses)
    *        *************************
    *        _____
    *        |  \O/
    *        |   |
    *        |  / \
    *        |___________
    *        _ a t t h e w
    *       YOU LOSE!
    *       Enter y to paly again:
using System;

namespace Project2
    class Hangman
        static void Main(string[] args)

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